5 Biggest points Mobile App usage that will blow your mind

No doubt smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. In fact, Statista has estimated that there are around 2.1 billion smartphone users as of 2016 and by the end of 2019, the number of users will escalate to the 5 billion mark.
  1. The Statistics are mind-blowing
With the recent upsurge in the mobile phone usage where both Android and Apple iPhone dominates the market, the amount of time spent by individual user is alarming. According to MS Power User, the people in U.K. spend 41% of their total time in social media and messaging followed by 32% for games, 12% for productivity and 11% for music and media.

2. Smartphones are great, no doubt and they are advancing but they are also subjected to suffer from many problems. Don’t worry, if you have come across any problem, I might have included it in this article and if not, then there are many possible problems with the current era of smartphones to list here.
3. Users Prefer Buying Stuff From Mobile Apps Than Websites.
There are many factors involved in it such as the responsiveness of apps over websites, processing time, usability, etc which puts websites far behind apps.
In general, smartphone usage has increased exponentially. The smartphone technology came all the way from humongous brick-shaped phones to lightweight high-powered phones that we have today.
This has increased the dependence on smartphones by increasing the amount of time spent on phones.

4. Mobile App are 20 time faster then Website
Shopping on mobile apps is more efficient since apps have faster processing time and consumes less bandwidth compared to websites. For organizations, maintaining apps is a way to cheap compared to maintaining websites and with the increased availability of apps.
These organizations have started releasing their own apps which are easy to update, upgrade, scalable, responsive, faster loading and more.
According to research USA reported approximately 71% of digital minutes spent on the phone while Indonesia reported the highest with 91% of the total digital minutes spent online.
5. More over 1,800 million Mobile users globally
Smart Insights displayed a graph depicting the inclination of mobile usage over desktop which surpassed it in 2013 and currently has more over 1,800 million users globally and counting. Mobile App usage has increased 69% from 2015 and additional 11% in 2016.
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